Antique longcase clocks for sale
We always have a selection of genuine 30 hour and 8 day country style painted dial Longcase clocks for sale in oak and mahogany cases circa 1820 to 1850 between £2500 and £4000.
Longcase clocks also known as grandfather clocks, tall-case clocks or floor clocks are tall freestanding, usually weight-driven pendulum clocks with the pendulum held inside the tower or waist of the case. We have a stunning collection of early original London Longcase Clocks by prestigious London makers such as John Berry, Ben Hutchinson, John Tolson and Peter King as well as a wide range of high quality provincial longcase clocks.
Total : 52
Items for Sale Sold items (36)
Walnut, London Longcase Clock c1705£22950
c1740 OAK 30 Longcase clock by William Varley£4950
Superb Early 1770/5, 8 Day Longcase Clock£9950
Antique longcase clock by Jonathan Frost c1740£6950
C.1800. 30 hour Long Case Clock£3450
Peter King of London Antique Longcase Clock c1705 £24950
Scottish Mahogany longcase clock Circa 1825.£4950
Kent Oak Longcae Clock by Hardeman of Bridge£4950
Fine Scottish Mahogany Longcase Clock£5950
Hurt and Wray Longcase Clock£3650
Antique Longcase Clock by Lomax of Blackburn£5950
Rare, Georgian, Musical, Longcase Clock£12950
30 hour Longcase Clock£3450
Derbyshire Antique Longcase Clock c1830.£3250
Macclesfield Longcase Clock c1790£4950
Stunning Manchester Long case Clock.£7950