www.antique-clock.co.ukmartin@antique-clock.co.ukTel: 07767 617507

The Chimes, Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire, UK

Antique longcase clocks for sale

We always have a selection of genuine 30 hour and 8 day country style painted dial Longcase clocks for sale in oak and mahogany cases circa 1820 to 1850 between £2500 and £4000.

Longcase clocks also known as grandfather clocks, tall-case clocks or floor clocks are tall freestanding, usually weight-driven pendulum clocks with the pendulum held inside the tower or waist of the case. We have a stunning collection of early original London Longcase Clocks by prestigious London makers such as John Berry, Ben Hutchinson, John Tolson and Peter King as well as a wide range of high quality provincial longcase clocks.

Total : 36
Items for Sale (52)   Sold Items
Longcase Clock by Richard Herring of Newark c1795
Longcase Clock by Richard Herring of Newark c1795SOLD
Rolling Moon Longcase clock by John Fletcher c1765
Rolling Moon Longcase clock by John Fletcher c1765SOLD
C1790 Rare Oval Dial Antique Longcase clock
C1790 Rare Oval Dial Antique Longcase clockSOLD
Antique C1775 Mahogany Automation Longcase Clock
Antique C1775 Mahogany Automation Longcase ClockSOLD
C 1770 Evens of Halstead (Essex) Longcase Clock
C 1770 Evens of Halstead (Essex) Longcase ClockSOLD
Antique English, Miniature Longcase clock
Antique English, Miniature Longcase clockSOLD
Macclesfield Cheshire Longcase Clock
Macclesfield Cheshire Longcase ClockSOLD
Early Slim Oak Case White Dial Longcase Clock
Early Slim Oak Case White Dial Longcase ClockSOLD
Lees of Bury Longcase Clock
Lees of Bury Longcase ClockSOLD
c1845 Scottish 8 day Antique Longcase Clock
c1845 Scottish 8 day Antique Longcase ClockSOLD
Fine English Oak 30 Hour longcase clock
Fine English Oak 30 Hour longcase clockSOLD
Small Irish Mahogany Longcase ClockSOLD
Very Rare Musical Lantern ClockSOLD
c1785-90 Antique Longcase Clock
c1785-90 Antique Longcase ClockSOLD
c1745 William Kipling of London Longcase Clock
c1745 William Kipling of London Longcase ClockSOLD
Marquetry Longcase C.1695
Marquetry Longcase C.1695SOLD